Basic English Grammar

Phrases And Their Types With Examples PDF Download

Written by Ilmgaah

What is a Phrase?

In this article, you are going to learn phrases and their types with Urdu to English examples. This article will be really helpful for your English Grammar. If you will get the pdf of this lesson it will shine your English grammar. And you know well without learning English grammar you can’t learn and speak English. You can also download this article in PDF format from the download link at the end of this article.


No Subject- Verb Combination


The phrase is defined as a group of words that makes sense, but is not complete is called a phrase.

الفاظ کا وہ گروپ جو معنی خیز ہو لیکن مکمل نہ ہو اسے جملہ کہا جاتا ہے۔


  • In the room
  • At the table
  • Near the door
  • On the walls, etc.

Types of phrase

  • Noun phrases
  • Verb phrases
  • Adjective phrases
  • Adverb phrases
  • Preposition phrases

Phrases And Their Types With Examples

Noun Phrases with examples


A noun phrase is a type of phrase that consists of a noun or pronoun, which is called the head, and any dependent words before or after the head.


Our friends have brought a house in the village. ہمارے دوست گاؤں میں گھر خرید چکے ہیں۔
The tall mountain was very large. اونچا پہاڑ بہت بڑا تھا۔
Who ate the last sandwich? آخری سینڈوچ کس نے کھایا؟
A beautiful house. ایک خوبصورت گھر ہے۔
A man who has been beaten.  ایک آدمی جسے مارا گیا ہو۔
A man with a bag. ایک  آدمی بیگ کے ساتھ۔

Verb phrase


We may define a verb phrase as a  combination of an action verb and a helping verb, which is also known as an auxiliary verb.


My mother has cooked food. میری ماں نے کھانا پکایا ہے۔
Fatima will help me learn English. فاطمہ انگریزی سیکھنے میں میری مدد کرے گی۔
She can smell the pizza. وہ پیزا کو سونگھ سکتی ہے۔
He has appeared on the screen as an orbit. وہ ایک مداری کے طورپر سکرین پر نمودار ہوا۔
Those girls are trying very hard. وہ لڑکیا ں بہت کوشش کر رہی ہیں۔
You must go right now. اب آپ کو جانا چاہیئے۔
You should wait before going swimming. آپ کو تیراکی کرنے سے پہلے انتظار کرنا چاہیئے۔
Words were spoken. الفاظ بولے گئے۔
The teacher is writing a report. استاد رپورٹ لکھ رہا ہے۔
You have woken up everyone in the neighborhood. آپ نے محلے میں سب کو جگا دیا۔
My mother is fixing us some dinner. میری والدہ ہمارے لیے رات کا کھانا بنا رہی ہے۔

Adjective phrase with Examples


An adjective phrase is defined as a group of words without the subject-verb combination, that modifies a noun or a pronoun.

An adjectives phrase can also appear in the following places:

  • At the end of the sentence.
  • In the middle of the sentence/ after the noun, it modifies.
  • At the beginning of the sentence


The movie was surprisingly good. فلم حیرت انگیز اچھی تھی۔
She is a highly passionate girl. وہ ایک انتہائی پرجوش لڑکی ہے۔
A face with a smile on it. ایک چہرہ جس پر مسکراہٹ تھی۔
Ali sad the cost of a car is way too high. علی افسردہ ہے گاڑی کی قمیت بہت زیادہ ہے
She is rather fond of skiing. اسے اسکئینگ کا زیادہ شوق ہے۔
I am very much enamored with him. میں اس کے ساتھ بہت دللگی ہوں۔
Adverb Phrase


An adverb phrase is defined as a group of words without having the subject-verb combination that works as an adverb in a sentence.


Ayesha teaches English amazingly well. عائشہ انگریزی حیرت انگیز سکھاتی ہے۔
Haadi eats like a crazy person. ھادی پاگلوں کی طرح کھاتا ہے۔
The carpenter hit the nail with a hammer. بڑھئی ہتھوڑے سے کیل ماری۔
The woman living next door is a doctor. ساتھ ہی رہنے والی عورت ڈاکٹر ہے۔
We must finish our projects before the holidays. ہمیں اپنے پراجیکٹس کو چھٹیوں سے پہلے ختم کرنا چاہیئے۔

Phrases And Their Types With Examples

Prepositional phrase


This one such type of phrase that may define prepositional phrase consists of a preposition followed by a prepositional complement which is characteristical, a noun phrase, or WH-clause or V-ing clause.


The man in the blue shirt is my friend. نیلے رنگ کی شرٹ میں آدمی میرا دوست ہے۔
A message from her will make his day. اس سے ایک میسج اس کا دن بنائے گا۔
He is at home in English. وہ انگلش میں ماہر ہے۔
She will meet me after the class. وہ مجھے کلاس کے بعد ملے گی

Phrases And Their Types With Examples


Phrases and their types free PDF Download

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